Here's a list of our most frequent questions.

If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for here, please contact us and we will be happy to help you out!

We are located in the Silver Creek Industrial Park in Mission, BC. Our main address is:
Unit 101-31483 Gill Avenue, Mission BC.

There is an abundance of street parking, and a free lot for parking across the street. While there is limited parking at our facility, the spots inside the l31483 lot are reserved for staff and drop-off only. If you plan to stay, there is plenty of street parking!
Simply click the “Register” Link on the left of the class tables, and you will be redirected to the enrollment portal.

A water bottle and some snacks will be essential for your child. Please refer to our Safety & Policies page for dress code requirements.

We have 2 types of ongoing classes: Annual (year-long) and Sessional (3-6 week long classes).

ANNUAL classes are billed monthly. For annual details, click here

SESSIONAL classes are billed by session. For sessional details, click here.

For CAMP information and pricing, please check out the camps page!

Our registration system processes credit cards – it stores the card but encrypts the information. While we require a credit card to register, we also accept e-transfers, cheques, and cash. This must be arranged and verified in person prior to the first class.

Yes, you can. We understand things come up! We ask for 2-weeks notice in writing for both year-long classes and sessionals otherwise the following month or sessional course will be charged in full. Medical or family emergencies exempt.

We sure do! We host parties for all occasions: birthdays, staff outings, ladies’ nights, and more! For more information, click here.